Nickname the Heart of the Freljord
Lore Blessed with massive biceps and an even bigger heart, Braum is a beloved hero of the Freljord. Every mead hall north of Frostheld toasts his legendary strength, said to have felled a forest of oaks in a single night, and punched an entire mountain into rubble. Bearing an enchanted vault door as his shield, Braum roams the frozen north sporting a mustachioed smile as big as his muscles—a true friend to all those in need.
Blurb Blessed with massive biceps and an even bigger heart, Braum is a beloved hero of the Freljord. Every mead hall north of Frostheld toasts his legendary strength, said to have felled a forest of oaks in a single night, and punched an entire mountain into...
Allytips Work with your allies to stack Concussive Blows, encourage them to basic attack marked targets.Leap in front of squishy friends and shield them from projectiles with Unbreakable.Glacial Fissure leaves a powerful slow zone, position it well to split teamfights and slow the enemy approach.
Enemytips Braum must land Winter's Bite or a basic attack to start Concussive Blows. If you get marked, exit combat range before getting hit 3 more times to avoid the stun.Braum's ultimate has a long cast time, use that extra time to dodge. Walking over the frozen ground left behind will slow you, position so that you don't need to cross it.Unbreakable gives Braum extremely strong directional defense, either wait until it is down or outposition the ability.